Update Notification include the before and after

I am trying to utilize the Attribute Change items in my notifications for easier understanding of what has happened. I am not entirely sure how to use it.


Should it look like this:
{Attribute Change(“Employment.JobTitle”)}

And how would I utilize the From and To versions?

Hi, and thanks for the question!

Attribute Changed uses the Active Directory attribute name in the expression. So if we want to trigger a notification when an employee’s job title changes the expression would look like this: AttributeChanged(“title”)

The changed to and from use the same logic, but add an extra layer, allowing you to send the notification only when the attribute changes to or from a specific value.

An example would be to trigger a notification when an employee switches from full time to temp, which would look like: AttributeChangedTo(‘employeeType’,‘TMP’)

Or we could use attribute changed from to do the inverse, and send a notification every time an employee stops being a temp, which would look like:

I hope this helps.