Employee is active in UKG but their account is stale, so the account is manually disabled in AD by an admin.
I want ConnecttoAD to not enable disabled accounts, unless their statuscode in UKG has changed to “A” from something else. Is this how to accomplish that?
The AttributeChanged function is only used for notifications because it checks for changes after a sync and uses this to trigger a notification.
However, we can help with your request by breaking it into two steps:
Step one involves making sure that manually disabled accounts are not automatically re-enabled. We can use this article to start building our logic. For example, if we don’t have a specific “terminated employee” OU, we can use another unique identifier to label these accounts as “Do not automatically re-enable.”
In step two, we will create a system that registers the change in the Employee Status Code and acts upon it to re-enable the account. To do that, the best approach is to inject the employee status code (Employment.EmployeeStatusCode) into an empty extension attribute and then add the following conditional statement in the enable account field mapping:
Employment.EmployeeStatusCode == “A” && User.ExtensionAttribute1.OneOf(L,T)
This condition evaluates the UKG employee status code and the value in the AD extension attribute at the start of the sync. Once the sync is completed, the extension attribute will be updated, and the re-hire/re-activation process will be completed.
I hope this helps. If you need more assistance, please contact our support team at support@connecttoad. We will be happy to explain in more detail or set up a call to help.